Volunteers have no idea how wonderful the journey with a canine companion can be. It’s magic from the day you wrap your arms around this furry ball of innocence. You become both teacher and student. We need your help as much as the person who is waiting for a service dog. [button size=”large” bgColor=”#7a0808″ link=”http://loveheels.org/puppies-in-training/”]Learn More »[/button]
Lives are changed when a person with a special need is partnered with a trained four-legged buddy. Alert dogs can warn of trouble; new worlds are opened for children diagnosed with autism. And, war veterans are finding life more tolerable with a little help from a friend. [button size=”large” bgColor=”#7a0808″ link=”http://loveheels.org/working-teams/”]Learn More »[/button]
Sometimes the only thing that can bring peace and joy to a lonely or sick person is a dog. You’re welcome to sign up for the experience if your dog has the time and temperment. We train and test canine teams as well as offer visiting opportunities. [button size=”large” bgColor=”#7a0808″ link=”http://loveheels.org/working-teams/”]Learn More »[/button]